A Creative Facilitator
BELOW THE BRIM helps individuals and teams expand their creativity. Equipped with business knowledge and creative skills, we provide insights, guidance, and creative solutions for your brand.

Creative, Strategist,
Futurist, & Facilitator
Amazing graphics catches your attention but alone will not solve your problems.
Effective strategy, understanding your customer, and a memorable experience are necessary elements that will help you meet your goals.

The B.R.I.M. Experience
The gift of engaging and cultivating an “all things are possible” environment balances 4 elements:
Bad ideas (bring'em on)
Let us hear them. There’s a spark of salience in every one of them.
Develop a connection with people and build as much trust as possible.
Let's focus on being responsible when exploring creativity.
Do the work that matters and leave a positive impactful experience behind.
A jack of all trades is a master of
none, but oftentimes is better than a master of one."William Shakespeare