Designer, and
Creative “Architect”

Reacher of Dreams

A jack of all trades is a master of
none, but oftentimes is better than a
master of one.

My goal is simple; add value and create impact. My experience extends across multiple categories. From developing learning initiatives to products, marketing to merchandizing, I manifest ideas into reality. My focus is to enhance cultures, brands, and experiences.

“It all starts with a sketch.”

Leader, Futurist,
& Strategic

As a

Creative Director

Seeing beyond the obvious is my ammo.  This allows me, first to learn as much as I can, explore solutions, and collaborate with experts for accessory brands, web experiences, marketing ads (performance or organic), and even in the world of animation/storytelling.

As a


I love visualizing what’s possible.  Some of my ideas are realistic and others are so far-fetched you’d need a spaceship to understand.   But that’s the purpose, to dream big. But I can’t stay in the dream phase.  I have to capture, prototype, and when the time is right… share.



Future of

As an


Express.  Have fun. Make something.