“Some of us have played a character for so long, we believe that’s who we really are.”

Joe Brim

16 February 2023

The B.R.I.M. Experience

The gift of engaging and cultivating an “all things are possible” environment balances 4 elements:

No bad ideas

Judgement in the ideation stage does more
than damage the creative process...


Intentionality goes beyond what you can see,
it's living in that moment of feeling...


Slight tweaks of adjustments that will
contribute to making moments matter...


When what was created engages with the
human senses...



For the confidently daring influencer, who knows enough, has enough, and is enough to effect social change.

They’ll believe what you design. 
Create responsibly.
If learning is key.
Create humbly
If your family is beyond blood relation.
Create collaboratively
If business fosters the economy.
Create honorably
If lifestyles can tell stories.
Create passionately
If traditions are self-serving.
Create freely

Faithfully drive higher levels of ambition. Start where you are, use what you have, and change lives.  Become the experience. Constantly imagine and fearlessly make something better.